Обувной бренд Dr. Martens анонсировал запуск новой линейки, вдохновлённой мультсериалом Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (в наших широтах известен под ужасным и корявым "Черепашки мутанты ниндзя") 1987 года. Ниже вы найдёте промо и видео всех четырёх моделей.
Размерный ряд ориентирован на мужчин, женщин и детей. Страница для заказа.
LEONARDO stands for respect, courage and Kick ass moves. His boot has the phrase ‘Cowabunga!’ and a glow-in- the-dark slime splatters across the toe.
DONATELLO stands for Skate, sleep and eating. His boot features two different expressions on each toe, a purple removable face mask and cartoon turtle shell patterning up the side.
RAPHAEL stands for being lean, mean and green. His boot has glow-in-the-dark ooze dripping down on the sides, and an over-sized, textured turtle shell pattern on the toe.
MICHAELANGELO stands for double pepperoni. His boot has his face on the toe all four turtles on the sides, mixed in with pizzas and catchphrases from the show.
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